I've been staring at screens too long today

My head kind of hurts, and I think it's because I've done near nothing but watch TV, play video games, and surf the web. It's probably not good for me. I had plans today, but the weather didn't want me to go anywhere. I did make it out of the apartment to go shopping downtown with Steve and Kels for a bit, but that's really it.

I'm about a week behind, but last weekend was really fun. It was thanksgiving, and spending some time with the family was fun. But the highlight was the actual weekend. Steve and Kels were both gone for the weekend, and Katie came in, so it was just the two of us, and for maybe the first time since moving down here, I feel like we really took advantage of being in the city.

We got into the city early Friday evening, probably around 6 or so and headed out to the Kristkindlemarket down in the loop. It was perfectly chilly out and everyone seemed content. Frosty breath leaped out our lungs as we devoured some tasty snausages and delicious potato pancakes. We then indulged a little in some hot spiced wine. It came in these cool little boot mugs that we got to keep. Very successful night.

Saturday we slept in all warm and snuggly and then headed downtown for a little shopping. Didn't find much, I got a nice sweater, which is good because it's getting pretty darn cold out here. I'm having trouble remembering what we did the rest of the day...so I'll skip ahead to that night. It was Chris and Josh's 21st b-day, and they had rented out the back room of a bar called Flounders. It was a little place up on Clybourn, but it was nice. $25 and all you could drink, and trust me, we got our money's worth.

Sunday was a very lazy day of being hung over. We went and saw Beowulf in 3D at the IMAX, which was freaking amazing. Monday at work, Amber asked how I got Katie to go along with me to that kind of movie. I told her that Katie just likes that kind of stuff, to which she replied, "Wow, you got the perfect girl." Yea, I did.

Now it's this weekend, and it's snowing/raining and pretty nasty out. My dad is coming in tomorrow and he and Steve and I are going to see Modest Mouse at the Congress theater, which should be a blast.


Unknown said...

Saturday we played guitar hero III and watched Ocean's 13, to fill in the blank :-)