Fighting In A Sack

I know I know, I haven't updated in a while. It's been longer than I said I'd let it get, but I have good reason...sorta. This term is wrapping up and thus I have final projects to complete and final exams to study for. I've had some free time in there, but most of it I've used for things other than blogging, which you will read about here.

This past weekend, my poor little Katie pookywoo got her wisdom teeth out. I went back out to the suburbs Friday evening to wait at her beck and call. In this case, her call was a small stuffed chipmunk that Gina gave her. It squeaked. One squeak for yes, two for no. Kid of like Paul Revere and the Red Coats, but a little different. The pain meds made her all sick and I got to watch her vomit 100% organic vegan soy chocolate icecream into a garbage can at 6 am. I am truly the luckiest boy in the world.

Ok, I just took a 10 minute break from writing this blog and went downstairs. Steve was making a smoothy and he decided it would be a good idea to slap me in the crotch with a peeled banana. In retaliation, I sneaked up behind him and smashed a raw egg into his chest. Now I'm not wearing a shirt and I've washed my hands/arms twice because he rubbed his eggy body all over me.

I couldn't imagine living with anyone else.

I was just testing out some HTML to put that text box in there. Good times.

So it's Thanksgiving in a few days. I'm looking forward to it, and not only because I get two paid days off work. It's been a long time, too long, since I've seen my dad's side of the family. Thanksgiving is usually a pretty good mini-reunion too. Everyone has a few drinks, eat good food, watch a dog show or maybe some football. Hopefully we'll get to take the 4-wheelers out on my uncles farm. Oh yea, that reminds me, thanksgiving is out in Savanna, IL. Let me put it this way: Me Savanna It's a difference, that's for sure. But it'll be nice to get away for a bit. I think one of the things I'm looking forward to the most is the ride there (and maybe back). My mom and dad will be in the front seat. Iska, Melissa, Radar, Addison, and I will be in the back seat. A nice snuggly two hours.

Well, I guess that's about it for now. Wish me luck on my final tomorrow. You know, the one I should be studying for now...