Happy Holidays

Christmas is over, New Years is on its way, and I have some fun ahead and behind me.

I want to call it "Christmas Break" like back in school, but really it was just a long weekend. I was all too aware of this when I went back to work this morning...

This past weekend was a great one, topping the charts of recent weekends past. Oooo, I need some tea... back in 5 minutes.


Ok, I've got some nice Rooibos Tea now. So, Friday night I headed home after work. Traffic wasn't too bad, surprisingly, only taking me an hour and a half to get home. I hung out at my parents house for a while waiting for Katie to get back from...place. My sister was the only one home, and she left shortly after for work, so I just putted around playing with my iPhone (see how I slipped that in there?)

Then I went over to Katie's and hung out with her fam for a bit before Gina came over and we went out to see some guy she has a crush on playing at an Irish bar in Naperville. I got in a bit of a grumpy mood, but it cleared up around the time we got taco bell at 2:30 in the morning. That resulted in stink.

Saturday was pretty lazy for the first half of it, but Saturday night was a freakin blast. It started out with Dave, Chris, Josh, Matt, Schubchub and Katie coming over, where I finally gave Chris his birthday present (now an early Christmas present) the Green Man suit.

We hit up the hot tub, and then all went out to Sarah's holiday party to say our hellos. Then we headed out to the Onion Pub for a few beers, and Gina and Little Mills met up with us there. When they kicked us out at 1am, we went out to Sideouts and drank some beers and played some video game golf till 3 when they closed. Then it was off to Steak & Shake.

Katie was an amazing DD through all of this, enabling the fun and performing like a champ at 4am when the snow was coming horizontally!

Sunday was super lazy, hanging out with the fam, watching a few movies. Monday was more of the same, and then my mom's side of the family came over for Christmas Ever dinner. Good to see all of them as I don't see my family, let alone my extended family, that much these days.

Christmas was near perfect. Everyone had a smile on their face, and I loved everything I got and gave. Dinner was at my Aunt Bean's house, and it was all warm and snuggly and filled with family again.

It was a very satisfying drive back into the city last night, and I must say that it really felt like I was coming home when I saw that skyline.

Now I have just one more day of work before I get to go on a cruise with my mom, dad, katie, liss, and her boyfriend brian. Bahamas here I come!


Mike said...

I was really hoping the DD link would be something more like this.

Daymonster said...

Hey, might I ask where you got the green man suit?

idrumgood said...

eBay, my friend. From China. Took about 2 months to get here, but the look on my friend's face when he got his b-day present was pure joy!