This post is mostly about music

Mostly, because I'm going to start by saying: I booked myself a mobile workstation at motocity:chicago. That is the Motorola offices downtown here, and since I work from home on Thursdays, I figured I'd check it out. It was a really cool building. I had a window desk on the 8th floor, which gave me a pretty cool view, and they had free coffee, of which I partook until I shook.

Now, onto the music.

I downloaded a bunch of Sufjan Stevens last night, because I remembered Had making me listen to it on the way back from the bars one night. I think Tess also really likes him. Anyway, really cool stuff. Pretty mellow, and there's banjo in at least one song. He's been writing albums with state themes, and thus far I think Michigan and Illinois are the only two. Obviously, I grabbed Illinoise (as the album is called) and it's so far quite good. I recommend it to anyone who doesn't have it and isn't stupid.

I also snagged the new Coheed single, Running Free, off their upcoming 4th album, which I believe is a continuation of Good Apollo. It sounded Coheed, that's for sure. I remember when I heard Welcome Home off Good Apollo, and i got chills. I was so excited for that album. But when I finally heard the whole thing, I was left a little unsatisfied. It was over-produced, I thought. Too many effects and not enough raw sound.
Second Stage Turbine Blade was perhaps the epitome of the raw album as far as this genre is concerned. The guitars had near no distortion, and almost a hollow twang, and the vocals were pure. They added some more effects in In Keeping Secret... but it was still pretty much just the band. Good Apollo was thick on guitars, and layered so many Claudio vocal lines on top of one another that it almost didn't sound human sometimes. Hopefully, we'll find them drop some of the computerized sound and get back to the delicious purity of their earlier albums.

On the ride downtown last Sunday night with Chris and Dave, we briefly talked about the new slough of Thrice albums coming soon. They are doing a four disc set, released two at a time, one for each element (fire, earth, wind, water). I'm really excited about this, because Thrice has benefited greatly from past experimentation. With each new album, they leave a bit of their old self behind, but discover something new that is not only engaging and enjoyable, but is still very much 'Thrice' in essence. I have high expectations, which can be dangerous (Motion City's sophomore album...), but I don't think I'll be let down.

