Knights, Walls, Whiskey

I headed back out to the Cary/LITH area this weekend to hangout with Katie. I got down Friday evening, and since Katie was still at work, I went out to dinner with my parents and the Carsons at the Tracks. It was enjoyable.

At Katie's, we watched The Prestige, which was a really freakin cool movie. I highly recommend it to anyone and everyone.

Saturday, we woke up semi-early (9ish) and headed out to the North Wall to do some rock climbing. It had been a while since we last went, and it felt really good to get back up there. I need to find a good gym down here that has rock climbing. Though I like the 'freeness' of the DePaul gym, it's a pain in the ass to spend a half hour getting there...and they don't have a climbing wall.

After cleaning up from rock climbing, Katie and I marched out to the Bristol Renaissance Fair. We got there just in time to catch a good 'ol joust before it started raining. But we were troopers...troopers who left the umbrella in the car...the car that was parked about a mile away. So essentially, we were very wet troopers. We also practiced some archery. Katie managed to get two arrows to stick in the target. I got none. But I did get a nice bruise on my left forearm... We left a bit earlier than we really wanted to, but we were cold and soaked to the bone, and just didn't want to be in the rain anymore.

After getting back, we took a nap, and then headed to her neighbor's for the 27th annual Czhilispiel. There was a lot of chili and other good food, as well as a bunch of people. Oh, and whiskey... there was definitely alot of whiskey. Stupid adults kept giving me shots, and then I woke up at 8 on Sunday morning.

Sunday was a very 'blah' day. We went and saw Superbad with my parents, which A) was hilarious and B) was not a movie to see with your parents. Then we went out the Breakers for some Chinese, but it really wasn't that delicious, which made me sad. I suppose you can't win them all.

Then it was volleyball time. Last game of the season, a tournament really. We lost. 'Nuff said.

I called in sick to work this morning. I am feeling slightly less than 100%. Maybe like, 87%. But probably well enough to work. Either way, I need to beat Zelda today, and I haven't not gone into work in... well, I think maybe since spring break, so yea. I deserve this.



Unknown said...

your "blah" day slightly resembles Jake's hair. And you forgot to mention how I so dearly nursed you back to health with my fantastical ways.