A new beginning

A deep title, but really only related to the locale of this blog.

As I made that last post in both my LJ and MySpace accounts, I saw that the last blog I posted was right before I moved to Chicago. That was two months ago. Two whole months of one of the biggest changes of my life, and I'm wondering how the hell I didn't feel the need to blog about any of it. So I'll probably forget alot of stuff, and I'll probably be brief, but you'll read it anyway. Yes, you will. HEY! Read it!! *Shakes fist*

The move in went pretty smoothly, which was impressive, since it was just Steve, his 65 year old father, and myself. We filled up my car, Steve's car, and a huge U-Haul truck. Steve's dad was a truck driver, so he was cool with driving the massive beast downtown (thank god). Unfortunately, it was about 95 degrees and there is a rather imposing staircase leading up to our apartment. All in all, I think it took us around three hours to move everything in, and I can honestly say that I've never sweat that much in my entire life. After everything was moved in, Kelsey and Katie showed up and helped us arrange things decently so we could get at everything and made us dinner, which was awesome.

These days, we've got the apartment looking pretty snazzy. We've done some nice decorating thanks in part to my parents and a Crate & Barrel 2 gift card, as well as a kick ass store up on Belmont and Clark (yes, part of the Alley) where we got some really cool African masks.

Turk has adjusted nicely, despite taking a dive from the lofted bedrooms (he was ok) and his decision to never be quiet. But he's still a cat, and for that I love him.

My career current job is still going....well. The commute to Libertyville is a long one via the Milwaukee North line, but I kind of enjoy a nice cup of coffee and my DS a few times a week. It's Bryan time. And on the rides home, the 'ol Champaign of Beers gets to join me. Lucky it. I've been a bit unhappy with my job recently, and have had a few prospects, but so far nothing has panned out. It's unfortunate that Motorola is so good to me. I get to work only 20 hours a week but still maintain full health benefits, plus they pay better than anything else I've been finding. Oh well... that's the reason I'm back in school.

The Master's in Graphics and Animation has been going well. I'm almost done with my summer courses which will wrap up all the prerequisites that I need before really getting into it. So that means, come Sept 5th (or somewhere around then) I 'truly' start my life as a grad student. I'm looking forward to it.

On the musical front, Davenport is no more. It was a hard thing to do, but I know it was the right decision for me to leave the band. Luckily, the rest of the band was only pissed at me for a while, and we are now back to the normal homo erotic/alcoholic/psychotic stuff we do. I've been looking for some other people to play with down here, but without much luck. I auditioned for the band Slings & Arrows, but that didn't work out. I'm sure I'll find some way to get back into drumming soon enough, for my own sanity's sake.

Of course, Katie and I are still together, and I am enjoying every moment of her. She goes back out to Rock Island in just a few short weeks. It'll be hard to do the long distance thing again, but I'm sure we'll do just fine. And then she'll be moving into the city to pursue her Master's as well.

Woo, so now that we're done with that novel... I think that's what I'll leave ya with. Thanks for reading, and if you notice that I haven't updated in over a week, please yell at me.



Unknown said...

shrimp ramen