You like what I do

First off, here's a new 3D image I made for class a few weeks ago (sorry it took me a bit to post)

I've got some cool stuff I'm working on right now for that class, and I think they'll be much more fun to look at since I'm learning how to use the software better.

So I started the new job on Wednesday. So far it's pretty cool. It's alot more responsibility than I thought it was going to be, but I guess that's a good thing. The biggest thing is that I really like the 7 other people I work with. The office is just a relaxed place where we chat while we work, and there's actually laughter. I know, laughter in the work place, how new age.

Anyway, that's life these day. Work, school, work, school, with some video games and drinking thrown in there when I can make time. It's what I asked for though, and it's getting me places. Busy is good, I keep telling myself.