The Environment

Sometime in the recent past, perhaps yesterday, it was blogger activism day. Everyone who writes a blog was supposed to write about the environment in some way or another. My guess is they assume all bloggers are hippies and save trees. I dunno. Also, only 5 people read this blog, and I'm guessing it's the same for alot of other bloggers out there. Oh well, maybe it had an effect... maybe it ENVIRONMENT!!!!!!!!!!!

Last weekend I tried to throw a party. Back in the college days, you could send word 24 hours in advance, and your house would be full. Well, I don't know about your house, but our house would be full. We were awesome, and people knew it. This time, I gave people about 5 days to figure their shit out. No one came. Some people said they were coming, but didn't. Everyone else just didn't. I mean, Dave and Chris, and Mike, and Rich came. And Steve and Kels were there for a while... but it was just hanging out. Not a party. I still had a blast, but it was all "This isn't college anymore Bryan, in yo face biatch!" (<-- that was life talking).


Monday was my last day at Motorola. They actually worked me pretty hard, tying up loose ends, finishing all my projects, doing everything because no one else knows what to do... I pretty much just damned my team, mayhaps the whole company, to bankruptcy. I will not be held responsible though, because they should have seen this coming. I guess there's another few thousand being laid off this week actually. That puts the total since I started working there around 10,000 or so. Yea...great company. It's not their products, Motorola phones, headsets, cable boxes, modems, are all pretty good products. The problem is, we suck at getting them there. Wait, not we, they suck at getting them there. They lose tons of money in their poor procedures for doing everything. It takes them too long because it's a clusterfuck in there, and when they miss ship dates on products, they owe those companies money. And when companies lose money they end up ENVIRONMENT!

I just finished a midterm for my hard class. It wasn't bad. But I'm smart, so that makes sense.


I start the new job tomorrow. I'm nervous. I also need to go to a dentist and look into new insurance...but the Moto insurance covers me through the month, so dentist it is.

Peace out.



Unknown said...

clearly the college days have past... you've already forgotten how to proofread

Anonymous said...

good luck with the new job.