It's not rocket science

Yeegads life has been busy. Between work and school and whatever else there is, not alot of down time. But I have a little today. Why? Well, because instead of doing homework last night, I got drunk and played videogames and called in sick to work. And today was the most productive day ever. Work != productive.

Here's what I did today.

1)mailed out the computer bag I sold on eBay
2)went to bumblefuck (yea, exists around Chicago too) to pick up my new computer bag from the fedex place.
3)finished all the homework due Tuesday for GPH436 (which only leaves a handful of stuff due monday)
4)wrote a new song (actually did that while drunk last night... you can hear on)
5)recorded the new song
6)got myself an interview monday as a part time web admin at a graphic design firm here in chicago (I REALLY want this job)
7)went on a walk to get a donut with steve and kels
8)played some metroid prime 3

So yea, productivity comes from not going to Motorola.

Anyway, I had said I'd be posting some of the graphics I made in my classes, so here's a couple from the first two assignments. They may look simplistic, but each of them required about an hour to assemble using only text... yea, that's right, I pretty much make them in a text editor using a scripting language.

Here's how to make a sphere.

sphere { <3, 1.25, 4>, 1.25
pigment {Red}
finish {
ambient 0.15
diffuse 0.75
phong 1
phong_size 100
reflection 0.6

so, here is the song I wrote. here is the first project I did. And here is a bishop I made.



Katie said...

i <3 u

I'm Bryan. said...

I like your song. I like your pictures. Wanna trade lives? It's, um, warm here, so there's that. Also I made up a story about your spheres. The red one is the leader, but there is dissension among the ranks. The two in the back right have decided to stage a coup. They are successful and the big red sphere is exiled to the Land of Cubes, where he is a beggar and has to do "Cube Jobs" to get money to feed his pyramid addiction. Eventually the small spheres realize that leading is hard and the coutry falls into economic shambles as a result. Then the cubds invade because, as everyone knows, the spheres have some kickass lazy rivers and cubes like to tube. But the spheres don't realize it because the cubes use the guise of setting up for Cubestock and telling the spheres, "Uhhh, we're moving it back to next week. We need some more people to come help." Eventually the two spheres that caused all this chaos get their commupence are horrorifically murdered. But not by the red leader sphere. No, let's say it was by a rabid cube squirrel. This pisses off the red sphere because he had elaborate plans for revenge. He attempts to kill the squirrel as an act of revenge but ends up falling off a cliff. He survives the fall but dies from the gangrenous infection he got from a cube who said he was clean. The moral? Cubestock isn't real, no matter what someone tells you.

Anonymous said...

Really like the song. Who's that girl voice? It had better be a computer!!!!