This Place Would Be Busier Than O'Hare

Man do I love long weekends. And the fact that I don't work Fridays or Tuesdays ha turned this into a 5 day weekend, which is really just a like a week off. Sweet.

Friday was lazy, as a Friday should be. I had been playing The Darkness and I came really close to finishing it up... but I didn't. I found out that it was based on a graphic novel, which really makes me want to pick it up, because the story in the game was really good.

Friday night I was going to go out with a bunch of cats in Wrigley Ville to celebrate Schubchub's b-day, but they decided to move the bar hopping to Arlington Heights. The last train home from AH was around 9:30 which really made it not even worth it to go out there. A shame. But Cass was downtown with her boyfriend Christian, and they felt the same as I did about the whole thing, so they came over and we just hung out for the evening, topping it off with some delicious Taylor Made pizza.

Saturday, my little sis came in from Mokena, where she was spending the long weekend with her boyfriend's family. Her train was a little late, but no big deal. It was a freakin gorgeous day, and our plan was to hit up Michigan Ave, as I owed her a b-dy present. After having one of the worst Subway sammiches I've ever eaten (she was NOT a 'sandwich artist') we decided to just shop State St, which has alot of the same stores, but it's a bit cheaper and, as Steve put it, "you don't have to be blinded by collagen."
She found some stuff she liked, as did I. Some nice tight brown pants. Yea, that's what I got, not her.

We came back, lounged a bit, then had some delicious Thai Bowl (I will be eating her leftover garlic chicken for lunch later today) and then rented Bench Warmers...which was awful. Steve and Kels came back by (After going out to dinner with Steve's rents) so we sat around, had a few drinks and played some cards. Liss may have been "over served" a bit and decided to just pass out on the air mattress. The rest of us headed out to a bar and sat on the patio for a while just chatting. It was a pretty good relaxing night.

Sunday morning, Liss wasn't feeling to hot, so she opted for the 12:30 train back in instead of the 10:30. I guess all the sugar in those Bacardi Silver things can wreak havoc on your sleep.

After I sent her off on the train, I scooted around town a bit to take care of some errands, then plopped on the couch for a day of finishing The Darkness (which I did). Very satisfying.

Monday was a pretty successful Labor Day. I woke up, played a little Blue Dragon (which I picked up during Sunday's errands...can't be left without a video game to play...heavens no.) I then cleaned myself up and scooted out to Dave's for a BBQ in the park. Mike came out too, and the three of us lugged a grill and a bunch of meet out to Lincoln Park which was a rather huge gorgeous park right on the lake. Sadly, the grill we brought was out of butane, so we had to wait for Had, James, and Had's sister to get there with more. But they also brought more meat, so that was fine. Eventually Tony showed up, and there was lots of frisbeeing, footballing, and attempted kite flying.

I came home and ended my triumphant weekend with some more Blue Dragon before bed.

Now, I'm gonna scoot out to DePaul and get my UPass for the autumn term, then scoot up to the gym and workout, followed by some more Blue Dragon. Sucks that I have to go to work tomorrow...


Katie said...

you're an ass for not putting me under "gorgeous." it would have made my day

Katie said...

you're even more of any ass for not putting me under the 2nd "gorgeous"

Unknown said...

ok ok I forgive you, she would probably make my top ten list too ;)

I'm Bryan. said...

your fecund use of the word "scoot" as a slerb (combo of slang and verb; just made that up) brings a smile to that spot just above my duodenum