In this life, here...

Sometimes I'm afraid to go to sleep. What if I wake up and it was all a dream?

Somehow, despite living in Chicago, I managed to miss the notice that this weekend is the Taste of Chicago. I'm impressed with my own obliviousness. In my defense though, I don't go downtown much these days or read the Red Eye or anything. But I suppose I should try to be more aware.

Stevie Wonder is playing tonight, and it's free, so I'm pretty sure I'm going to try and make it out there. It would just seem wrong not to.

Every new piece of you I learn just weaves another beautiful pattern in the fabric of us.

I woke up this morning to the front door buzzer going off, which is weird since no one ever uses that except for punk ass kids as they walk by. So I ignored it the first time. Second time I decided to put some shorts on and go see what was up. There was just a hand through the mail slot trying wrap a belt around the doorknob. I laughed.

I guess the people moving our neighbor's shit outta their apartment locked themselves out. They thanked me a million times and assured me they were really movers. I never really doubted them. I think it was the large dresser sitting in the stairwell that helped their story.

I'm gonna go shower.