Look what i did!

Tell me what you think.

Fires of Heaven

In this life, here...

Sometimes I'm afraid to go to sleep. What if I wake up and it was all a dream?

Somehow, despite living in Chicago, I managed to miss the notice that this weekend is the Taste of Chicago. I'm impressed with my own obliviousness. In my defense though, I don't go downtown much these days or read the Red Eye or anything. But I suppose I should try to be more aware.

Stevie Wonder is playing tonight, and it's free, so I'm pretty sure I'm going to try and make it out there. It would just seem wrong not to.

Every new piece of you I learn just weaves another beautiful pattern in the fabric of us.

I woke up this morning to the front door buzzer going off, which is weird since no one ever uses that except for punk ass kids as they walk by. So I ignored it the first time. Second time I decided to put some shorts on and go see what was up. There was just a hand through the mail slot trying wrap a belt around the doorknob. I laughed.

I guess the people moving our neighbor's shit outta their apartment locked themselves out. They thanked me a million times and assured me they were really movers. I never really doubted them. I think it was the large dresser sitting in the stairwell that helped their story.

I'm gonna go shower.

In some life, somewhere...

I've spent the last two hours writing this drum part in Garageband for a song of mine. It's done now, and I really like it. Now I just need to get the guitar and vocals down, then lay down the bass track, then some auxiliary ones, and I'll be all set. Sometimes I forget how much I love writing music.

I emailed Justin the other day to talk to him about getting me some studio time to properly record an album. I have 9 songs I'd like to put on there, so it'll probably take a couple weekends, but I can handle that. I'll probably try and get in there later in July, see if I can't work out some more rough mixes here on my own so I know exactly what I want when I go in there.

I've gotten some encouragement recently to really focus on making my own music. It's funny, because they've never heard any of my music, and yet seem fairly insistent that I work on it more. I'm not really sure I understand why, but I can hope it's because they just care about what I'm passionate about.

The Uncontrollable Few has a nice little month ahead of them as far as shows go. July 2nd at the Bottom Lounge, July 11th at Lily's (still getting final confirmation), and July 23rd at The Eblo Room. We're also playing a b-day party, which is lame. And I know you read this Megg, and I think it's lame. Suck it.

I was in rare form today. So much to say, and all that would come out was jumbled words and nonsense. I find myself wanting to do the every day things with you, just have you be there as part of my life. Going to the store? wish you were there. Wake up? wish you were there. Get home from work? Wish you were there. See a trend? I miss you and you're right there. But it has to be like that. I know you've got more going on than I can probably comprehend.

Got Broken Social Scene tickets today. I'm really pumped about that show. I've been listening to a slightly different scope of music these days. Or more so, I've just expanded my tastes. Broken Social Scene, The M's, The Wrens, The Swell Season, The Frames, Metric, LCD Soundsystem, Wolf Parade. To rattle off a few and give myself some serious indie cred... But anyway, really excited for that show. It's not till August 2nd, and that does make me a bit nervous. Fingers crossed man, that's it.

i am niagra falls

I've been lounging around the apartment all day, waiting for a call from the guy who is supposedly coming out to fix our a/c. It's hot. I'm damp. This day is less than stellar.

Apparently Amber has some connection, because she got us tickets to the sold out Death Cab for Cutie show at Millennium Park, on the day of the show no less. It was a pretty awesome concert. Maybe it was the 7 or so beers (they had Sierra Nevada on tap! OUTSIDE!!!), or maybe it was the company, but I had a really good time. Despite what some people have been saying about their new album, dcfc is still a rockin band, and put on a good show, even though I couldn't actually see them...

Had band practice yesterday, and the practice space doesn't have a/c either, or windows that you can open... or any air circulation at all. I don't know if I have ever sweat that much in my entire life. And yet, it was a really good practice. I'm excited to have Mike playing in the band, and I hope it becomes a permanent thing. We've talked about making music for years now, and it's good to see that finally happening.

On a similar note, we (The Uncontrollable Few) are playing at Silvie's tomorrow night, Sunday June 8th. It's a shitting website, but it's a really cool bar. So come on out!! I wish I could tell you what time we're playing, but the band who put the show together has been less than helpful with that. Show starts at 9ish though.

And now, the train of thought portion. Love is a strange thing. It can develop without intention, and certainly in places it shouldn't. And then you're left trying to figure out how to eliminate anything romantic from a relationship so you don't fuck up a friendship. This really works against me, seeing as I'm used to disregarding the situation and just going for what my 'heart' wants. Well now my heart wants something my head knows I can't have. Which of course makes me want it more. So you can see my struggle. A work in progress. An apt phrase. Cross your fingers and hope for the best. Maybe I'll write a song about it.

I need a beer.