I'll Taste Your Blood Tonight

'Ello there blog readers. Lemme tell ya, Jack Daniels is a good man. Not only is he immortalized on a metal poster in my kitchen (with a killer mustache) but he is also in my belly...er liver...somewhere.

I found out recently that I have the entire month of December off from school. Yea, that's right, class ends Nov 21st and starts up Jan 3rd. That's awesome. I'll probably just work more during that time, but it should give more more freedom to finish up some videogames, learn a bit more about Flash (as I've been trying to), and get down to visit Katie more often.

So, I understand that the images I've been providing haven't been that enthralling, but you gotta understand the effort that goes into them. So, this week, I have a new image. I also have the code that goes along with it (just open it in a text editor). That's all hand written code (no... not with a pencil dipshit).

I also have a new song for all of you. (yea, sorry, it has to be opened in iTunes...I'm an apple whore). I wrote it because of an article I read in the Red I on the way to work the other day about the suicide rate of US soldiers returning from Iraq/Afghanistan. The lyrics can be found here if you're interested.

That's pretty much what I've been up to recently. Enjoy.


Unknown said...

I'm a hound dog

Dave said...

I bet I'm the only one who actually looked through your code closely to work out how it related to the image....