
Today is the Chicago Marathon. I stood up on the roof for a while, watched the leaders come through. They run right down Taylor Street in front of our place, around mile 17 or so. There was a pack of three right out front, and a lone dude back in forth a little back. I'm pretty sure it was the guy in forth that ended up winning it. Pretty cool, I have a picture of him from the roof.

About 3 hours later, there were people walking by. Team Hamster Hat has a nice little article about how I feel about them.

Amber and I went to see Broken Social Scene at the Vic on Thursday night. It was a pretty good show, though not as good as when the played the Metro. The Vic just doesn't seem to be as good. Plus, the urinal flooded all over my feet. That's just gross.

I think I'm gonna look for another band to play in, or if I'm feeling quite ambitious, create my own band. If any members of Catch a Tiger are reading this, don't worry. It's not a replacement band. It's just another band. I really want to play some straight up rock. Raconteurs, Queens of the Stone Age, Black Mountain type stuff. Really good riff rock, where I can play with some mean sass and really groove. We'll see how that goes, since my initial perusal of Craigslist certainly left me with something to be desired.

The fonts on my computer somehow got all fucked up a few days ago (I blame a certain someone... but she's cute enough for me to not be mad). So I just backed all my stuff up and did a clean install of the whole system. Sometimes I like doing that. For one thing, the computer always seems to run a little faster after that, just cos all the random crap that ends up on here is gone. Also because any software that gives you a free trial, you can get it again. I'm thinking I might actually buy Transmit, an FTP client, because it really is just better than anything else out there for the mac.

Band practice tonight, which will be the first in almost two weeks. I'm antsy, been too long since I played.

I think it's shower time.


Dave said...

Transmit is really nice. It's one of the best FTP clients I've used.

YeahYeahYouWere said...

I've had good luck with FileZilla too. And it's called FileZilla, so, you know, bonus points there.