I hate you

You, yes you. You who write be emails addressed to 'Brian'. Is it so much to ask to read how I signed my name in the email you are responding to? It looks like this.



See that 'y'? It's in there for a reason. I didn't make a mistake. You're stupid. And especially those of you who have been corresponding with me for some time. Have the common decency to make sure you're referring to this business associate with the correct name. It would be like if I called you Henry and your name was Beverly. It's insulting. And I hate you for it.


Anonymous said...

Well, at least it wasn't directed at me. I miss you.

I'm Bryan. said...

Damn straight!!! For too long have "We with the Y" suffered the tyranny of idiots! It's spelled that way for a reason. Pay attention and ask how it's spelled or we will decapitate you and pour Ajax down your esophagus!!!

YeahYeahYouWere said...

I get a lot of emails addressed to Jeffery. My name is Jeffrey. In fact, I have never even met someone who was an 'e-r-y'.