Here's a fucked up night for you

So, the night started great. Met up with the band at Monk's for some dinner, and then headed back to the practice space. Had a nice practice, went out to my car and...

MUTHA FUCKA!!!! My back windshield was completely shattered. There were 10 other cars parked out front of the place and mine had to be the one to get nailed. Stupid punk-ass kids.

So filed a police report, submitted it to my insurance, and with any luck it'll be fixed tomorrow.

Oh, but the night doesn't end there, no.

So I'm put in a bad mood now. I was gonna go to Megg's and chill with the band, but I just wanted to get my car home now. So I stop by the wine shop downstairs on my way home to grab some mixers for my delicious Sailor Jerry's Rum to drown my sorrows a bit.

The wine shop is just closing, but I know the guy and we're cool, so I get in and grab some cokes. Only, there's a girl in there I've never seen before behind the counter. The three of us chat it up for alittle bit and I find out she was about a day away from becoming a marine but they found some stress fractures in her shin. So they shipped her back form Virginia to Chicago, and it was all done in a day and she's trying to find someone she knows to stay with.

So I invite her up, cos who wants to sit on a street corner trying to call everyone they know to see if they can find a place to stay. She was cool, her name's Anna, and she eventually found a friend to come pick her up. We chilled, shared stories, and watched the Daily show.

Top that.


YeahYeahYouWere said...

Did you find what they used to break the rear window out? Are you sure that your rear defroster wasn't stuck on or something? TJ once had the rear window of the Mustang break out and he thought it was some punks, but the guy at the body shop said it was probably because of an electrical problem where his defroster stayed on constantly and eventually thermally stressed the window enough to break it.

Odds are it was some little bastards, but you never know.

Also, is this chick hot?

Megg said...

Those punk ass kids indeed. I felt bad for ya.. glad it got replaced. You didn't miss much back at my place though.. I made the boys cosmos (how gay!) and then some pierogis (how Polish!) and we watched the end of the Cubs game as Matt and I tried to explain baseball to Charlie (Charlie:"Bullpen? I thought we were talking about baseball!" Megg:'We are..." Charlie: "Then why are you talking about the Bulls?")
Anyway, I'm just about done with all these stupid chalkboards so soon enough my house will actualy have space in it, and we can all chill on Sunday nights drinking girly drinks and so on.

Megg said...