Still working on will power

This week started my "get up at 6 and go workout" week.

I did it on Tuesday, and I was very proud of myself. I felt really good. Then this morning rolled around. Alarm went off at 6, I said "holy shit it's cold out" and went back to bed.

When I did get up an hour later, I did some pushups and planks, so that's not too bad. But if I'm gonna reach my goal, I'm gonna have to actually go to the gym.

I've been working on exercising my will power recently. I had started to slip into a habit of "just one won't hurt" and all those "just one"s were starting to hurt.

Just one stop at McDonalds, just one donut, I'll just bite this one finger nail. You get the picture.

I haven't bit my nails in over a week (which is impressive for me, really). I actually busted out the nail clippers like a real human being!

So, here's to hoping I can keep up with my own ambitions.

On another note, Dave and I sat down to build my new computer on Tuesday. It was quite a daunting task, with wires everywhere and all sorts of very vague installation instructions. After four hours of plugging and screwing and securing, we were pretty sure everything was connected and in the right spot, so we plugged it in and... nothing.

After another hour of trouble shooting, we had pretty much concluded that my power supply was dead. Which, in the grand scheme of things, is probably the best component to be dead. I verified this with Raidmax tech support (the maker of the PSU) by completing the circuit with a paper clip and trying to turn it on (and not electrocute myself).

It didn't turn on, so it's definitely dead, so I ordered a new PSU from Amazon and it should be here on Monday. So keep your fingers crossed.

My parents are coming in this weekend for dinner, and my dad and I are hopefully going on the Goose Island Brewery tour (we're on a waiting list right now). I'm looking forward to it, and if we don't get in on the tour, we can at least just drink beer!


YeahYeahYouWere said...

I love that RaidMAX's best troubleshooting idea is "jam a bent paper clip in that bitch to find out if she's workin'!"

djdcary said...

update your dang blog