Rock and Roll

I went to see The New Pornographers with Amber Sunday night. They were amazing live. I'd wager to say I've never seen a band who sounded so good live. It was... um... kick ass.

I feel like I've really been 'living' in the city recently. What I mean by that is I'm going out to new places every week. I'm meeting new people every week. I'm venturing out and exploring and finding some pretty awesome locales and locals. And I like it.

So, the band doesn't have any shows lined up right now, so if you happen to be a killer venue and you want a band... lemme know.

I'm gonna go read my dragon book and pass out. Too many nights with not enough sleep.



I'm Bryan. said...

New Pornographers: I as well enjoy them. Found out about them the wrong way. I'll let you fill in the blanks.

Inheritance Series: Brisingr. Sept 20th. 2008. Stoked? Me too.