Rock and Roll

I went to see The New Pornographers with Amber Sunday night. They were amazing live. I'd wager to say I've never seen a band who sounded so good live. It was... um... kick ass.

I feel like I've really been 'living' in the city recently. What I mean by that is I'm going out to new places every week. I'm meeting new people every week. I'm venturing out and exploring and finding some pretty awesome locales and locals. And I like it.

So, the band doesn't have any shows lined up right now, so if you happen to be a killer venue and you want a band... lemme know.

I'm gonna go read my dragon book and pass out. Too many nights with not enough sleep.


The Prodigal Son

You'd think with all that I've done in the past month, I would have updated this a bit more. You know, share all my awesomeness with everyone. But I didn't. It's not that I didn't have time to update it... there was definitely time. But I chose to spend it doing other things, which I shall now tell you about.

Big point 1: I went to Europe. They've progressed alot since then, eh? Dave, Jeff, and I went out to Barcelona and then to Paris to visit Dave's parents. You can check out the flickr photo stream here. It was quite an experience, but really made me appreciate Chicago. Funny how that works. And then, on my blue line ride home from O'Hare, there were tourists everywhere, with their big Chicago maps out. It's weird to think of home as someplace where tourists come, but I suppose it really is, and that just makes it cooler.

Anyway, big point 2: I'm in a new band!!!! The Uncontrollable Few. I found their ad on CraigsList back before I left for Europe (I've now found a love seat, a job, and a band on that site (and maybe something else...) I love it). They had a couple shows coming up and their drummer just up and left. So I took a listen and really liked their stuff and after a few emails, we determined I was going to listen to the songs a shit ton while away, get together once or twice before the show, and see what happened.

Well here's what happened! It was awesome. The 4 other members are really cool, Charlie, Megg, Brad, and Matt. I think as far as personalities and general outlooks, we mesh really well. And musically, it clicked. A total of maybe 5 hours of practice and we played our first show at Silvie's Lounge this past Friday. We rocked the shit outta that place. And then they invited me to join the band as a full fledged member, which I gladly accepted.

We are playing another show coming up, April 16th at the Elbo Room, part of the International Pop Overthrow festival. Check out the myspace for more info.

So there's that. Two pretty sweet things going for me. I've also finished a redesign of and coded it all up last weekend. I only have the front page now, and dummy content, and I still need to actually implement the blog rss feed... but those will come in time.

And that wraps up about all I've got for this post, take care.
