When Finally Set Free

I think summer may really be over. The forcast for the next several days (as far as I can see anyway) is barely gonna break 70, with lows in the 40s. 40s!!!! What is this, Alaska!? I wore a long sleeved shirt for the first time since last winter, and if you know my usual getup of t-shirt and jeans, you know that's strange.

Catch A Tiger played a show at The Bottom Lounge this past Thursday with some pretty cool bands (The Lauretes, The Winter Sounds, and Love In October). There was free Sparks for the bands which wasn't a good thing. It wasn't a bad thing either... but my body hurt on Friday. I don't think the human body is meant to drink 4 of those. Met some cool people though, and overall I think the show went really well.

In related CAT news, I've been working on the website a bit and I think I should be able to finish it by the end of October. Juli designed the site, and I'm working on all the coding. Got some cool things in store like a video blog, as well as a sweet backend I'm working on that will let the band members log in and post blogs and stuff. Should be a good way for me to expand my skill set and make something cool for the band. I'll definitely let you know when it's all up.

I've been looking at apartments lately, trying to find something in a better neighborhood, off busy streets, and closer to the places I frequent. Little Italy is a nice place, but I don't go to UIC so there's no real reason for me to be down here. Plus, I think I could find a place in Wicker Park, Logan Square, or Ukranian Village that's the same price or cheaper and much nicer. Our place is ok, but has some huge draw backs.

I think this week is going to be a good week. I have a healthy amount of work on my plate at Sandstorm, as well as some personal projects to work on in my free time. Going to see a movie tonight, and have dinner planned with my parents on Sunday. All in all, I like the way things are going.

One last thing before I go. As a web developer, I encounter alot of non-tech people. The vast majority of people who use the internet don't actually know anything about the technology they are using. They use what someone taught them to use, be that a friends or family or their job. And 9 times out of 10, that person doesn't know anything either. Check out Dave Schwantes' blog for a better idea of what I'm getting at. And if you're one of those people still using IE6, please think of upgrading, as you'll be doing everyone, especially yourself, a favor.