More Than One

It stormed like crazy in Chicago yesterday. Easily the worst I've seen since I've been here. I guess a roof on the industrial west side collapsed the winds were so strong. I took a nap around 1pm, when it was bright and sunny outside. I woke up around 2:30 and it was near pitch black and thunder and lightening were quite frequent.

I took this as a sign that I shouldn't go take my final for the last of my summer courses. I settled in and watch an episode of House... but then it stopped raining, so I decided I should go take the final.

The traffic was the worst I've seen since I've been here (not unlike the weather) and I ended up getting there a half hour late... but the test took me all of 10 minutes. It was kinda bullshit because the professor had said on Tuesday he was going to post a sort of study guide on the class website. Well, he never did, and it turned out to be one of those tests where I studied for all the wrong things. So fuck him for that. But I got a B+ in the class, which is fine, because I just needed a B for it to count and now I'm done with all the pre-reqs and can move on to the real courses in a week.

Katie came in last night because she's taking the GRE today. Right now, actually, she is probably sitting down in some building on Clark and Madison to take a huge test that tries to see if you learned anything in college. It seems pretty intense, as she did a 1.5 month study course for it, and it pretty much determines her future. But I'm sure she'll do well, cos she's a smart cookie.

I'm really hoping Gamestop opens early today, because I need (yes, as in physically and mentally require) Two Worlds, which comes out today. Stupid Katie is making me go to Rock Island to help her move in and paint her new room... so I only have a few special hours with this new game before I must head out. The sooner I get it the better.

So here's hoping the open at 9 and not 10. I hope you'll all hold me in your thoughts.



I'm Bryan. said...

Your blog is the best part of my day. That is, when you update it. I heard there was a lot o' floodin' back there. Good thing you live on the 2nd floor.