Here you go

It's been over a month since I've updated. I've been bad, I know, but I've been really busy. Granted, not busy enough to actually justify never writing in here... but busy just the same.

I'm not gonna try and recap everything that's happened since my last post because...well, way too much. But I'll hit you with two key highlights going on right now.

1). This weekend, I went out to Savanna with my dad to visit my Grandma and Uncle Randy. The original intent of the trip was really just some good brother time for my dad and uncle, and my dad invited me along. We were going to split some wood and drink some beers; super manly shit. But unfortunately, the wood chopping fell through (a genuine disappointment). Don't worry, we still drank alot of beer.

In my 23 years, my Uncle Randy has been around for all of them, but I don't know if I have every really hung out with him before. I don't see my dad's side of the family much, since they live about 2.5 hours away, which in the grand scheme of things isn't very far, but it's far enough to require effort. And for the most part, I can be pretty selfish when it comes down to 'video games and drinking' VS 'go see family'.

This time, I opted to go with the family, and it was a great choice. I'm not sure if my dad is just getting cooler with age, or if he feels that he can open up more to me now that I too am an adult (in the strictest sense of the word, mind you). Either way, I feel much more connected with my dad than I used to. And the same goes for my uncle. It's always cool to really get to know your family. Not just at the family gatherings where you haven't seen anyone since last thanksgiving and you almost feel awkward.

My uncle's got this garage with a little 'man room' in the back. It has a few beat up chairs, a TV, a fridge, a heater, and a sound system that could probably kill a small mammal. Turns out my uncle really likes Rush, which is awesome, cos so do I. And after the three of us drinking well over 2 gallons of beer, we rocked out to Rush super hardcore. There was air guitar, and air drums, and even some squealing like Geddy Lee.

Moral of the story, today was a hung over day and I'm glad of it.

now, on to two.

2). I'm going to Europe at the end of March with Dave and Jeff. I am so fucking excited it's not even funny. We're flying over to Barcelona, hanging out there for 4 days or so, and then going up to Paris to hang with Dave's parents for a few more days. I've craved Europe since going a few years back, and I can't imagine two better people to go with.

Plus, it's an excuse to buy one of these and one of these. Bitchin'!